Coconut Water

The Health Benefits of Coconut-Based Products

The Health Benefits of Coconut-Based Products

Coconut is one of the most prestige fruit around the world. Because of the useful products  that can produce out of it. It also has refreshing taste that can make you happy. The coconut products are enjoyed by all people in seven continents of the world. Starting from its shell until  you get to its […]


Smitten With Coconut Water

3 Profound Facts About Coconut Water The Philippines is one of the top coconut producing countries in the world. Generally speaking, Filipinos have been enamored with coconut and all its by-products ever since. To Westerners, tasting a coconut-ty flavor from a dish, drink or sweet treat used to be an odd experience. But it changed […]


Drinking Coconut Water Can Inspire Healthy Habits

Since the rise of coconut water in the global market beginning year 2009 or earlier, it continuously thrived through the years and is still thriving until today. In the years to come, it is predicted to continue an increase in sales globally. From a random tropical fruit juice ignored by many, it then became a […]


Brewing with Coconut Water

Brewing something is an old age technique used all over the world in order to produce tasty drinks. From beers, wine, or any alcoholic beverage to fermented drinks, coffee or tea, almost all of the drinks people love are commonly produced by brewing. Brewing could be done by fermenting a drink, infusing an ingredient in […]


The Coconut Water Industry in the Global Market

Still Thriving: The Coconut Water Industry in the Global Market Coconut water rose in popularity over the global beverage industry for more than a decade already. For thousands of years, people in the past have known of coconut water’s healthy benefits even without reliable scientific studies as proof. Since coconut is said to contain electrolytes […]


Ready for Summer: Coconut Water Mocktail Recipes

Summer is fast approaching and it will never be complete if we don’t sit back and refresh ourselves with some cooling drinks of our choice. May it be by the beach, beside a swimming pool or simply slacking peacefully at home, having our delicious smoothies and ice cold drink is a must to complete the […]


Coconut Water: Super drink to health, Super drink in the Market

Coconut water or also known as coconut juice is the clear liquid inside the young green coconut. To achieve the bliss point of the coconut water, meaning it has the right amount of sweetness; manufacturers let the coconuts grow from 6 to 9 months before harvesting.  Because of many factors, coconut water has been a […]