
Ready for Summer: Coconut Water Mocktail Recipes

Summer is fast approaching and it will never be complete if we don’t sit back and refresh ourselves with some cooling drinks of our choice. May it be by the beach, beside a swimming pool or simply slacking peacefully at home, having our delicious smoothies and ice cold drink is a must to complete the summer vibe. Living in a tropical country, we have plenty of choices when it comes to making drinks. So why not consider mixing all available ingredients to make our drinks extra special?

Since the Philippines has an abundant supply of coconut trees all over the country, it is indeed very common for us Filipinos to drink coconut water or buko juice, as most of us call it. But what about leveling up your normal buko juice into something extra delicious and satisfying such as a mocktail? Sounds very cool and healthy isn’t it? Do note that excessive consumption won’t give you trouble since mocktails are non-alcoholic beverages. So here are some buko juice mocktail recipes to try. May the chill vibe be ever in your flavors and enjoy!

Coconut Mint Mojito

· 1/2 pitcher of coconut water
· 1 tablespoon of mint leaves
· 1-2 tablespoons of honey
· diced coconut meat
· 1 medium sized lemon
· ice cubes


  1. Mix all ingredients in a pitcher and stir well (except for the lemon).
  2. Cut the lemon in two and squeeze the other half into the mixture.
  3. For the remaining half of the lemon, cut into thin slices and add some into the mixture. Keep a few slices if you wish to garnish your mocktail when serving.
  4. Pour in a glass with plenty of ice and enjoy!

This recipe is very easy to make and is ideal for citrus lovers. You may also try it even during out-of-town trips as the ingredients are easy to bring or may be available to local markets near your destination.

Pineapple Coconut Mocktail

· 1 cup of pineapple chunks
· 1-2 cups of coconut water with meat
· ¼ cup coconut milk
· 3 tablespoon of lemon juice
· 1 teaspoon of mint leaves
· ice cubes


  1. Add all ingredients in a blender and mix well to achieve a smoothie texture.
  2. Pour in glass with crushed ice. Amount of ice depends on your preferred coolness.
  3. Serve and garnish with some mint leaves as you desire.

This mocktail recipe is very simple but requires a blender in order to create a smoothie mixture of the ingredients. If you are a coconut and pineapple lover, you will surely enjoy this simple and healthy treat!

Rainbow Coconut Seltzer

· 1 pitcher of coconut water
· 1 bottle of sparkling/carbonated water
· mint leaves (for garnish)
· ice cubes
· a handful of the following fruits: strawberries, cherries, pineapple, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, lime / lemon slices, peaches


  1. Put in some ice cubes in a glass enough to be about an inch high.
  2. Arrange all fruit ingredients according to the rainbow colors i.e. the ROYGBIV pattern.
  3. When you’re satisfied with the arrangement of the fruits, add some more ice cubes on top enough to fill the remaining space of the glass.
  4. Pour in some coconut water to fill ¾ of the glass.
  5. Lastly, add sparkling water on top and garnish with mint leaves.

This coconut water mocktail requires a lot of different fruits (mostly berries). It is better if all fruit ingredients are fresh but in case one is not available in the market, canned fruit could also be an alternative. However, it may affect the overall taste of the drink depending on the syrup used by the preserved good. One may also substitute a fruit of his own choice as long as the rainbow aesthetic of the drink will not be affected. After all, the very colorful look of this mocktail is what makes it really appealing to the eyes which makes it suitable for parties and get-togethers.

Basil Buko Mocktail

· coconut water
· a handful of torn basil leaves
· 1 tablespoon basil seeds
· 1 teaspoon grated ginger
· a pinch of salt
· 1 tablespoon of lime extract
· 1 tablespoon sugar
· 1-3 pieces of chili pepper (optional)
· orange powder mix (optional)
· ice cubes


  1. In a glass, combine all all ingredients (except the optional chili pepper and orange powder) and mix well.
  2. Leave it for about 10 – 20 minutes to infuse the flavor of the basil leaves in the mixture.
  3. Your basic basil buko mocktail is ready for serving. Just add ice.
  4. (optional) If you wish to add more flavor to your drink, you may then add chili peppers to the prepared mixture. Amount may depend on how you like your drink to taste. This becomes a new variant of the basil buko mocktail for it will have a spicy punch in it.
  5. (optional) However, if you don’t like a spicy taste in your drink, you may choose to add orange powder instead. This becomes another variant of the drink that offers a sweeter and more citrusy flavor in it.

This mocktail recipe is also very easy to prepare as long as you have all the ingredients. However, the spices and flavors infused in the drink may not be a common beverage mixture that everyone would like. It is still a good thing to try, nonetheless, as verdict will be upon a person’s discretion after tasting it.

What other way to cool off your scorching summer than drinking Royce Foods’ fresh coconut water! Try it now! For more information about the product, contact us today!