
Smitten With Coconut Water

3 Profound Facts About Coconut Water

The Philippines is one of the top coconut producing countries in the world. Generally speaking, Filipinos have been enamored with coconut and all its by-products ever since. To Westerners, tasting a coconut-ty flavor from a dish, drink or sweet treat used to be an odd experience. But it changed when coconut gained popularity worldwide. Non-tropical countries also became regular consumers of the super fruit. While for most Southeast Asians, a coconut flavor is the most familiar taste that everyone is accustomed to. To not like the taste of coconut is chiefly unusual.


The Preventive Properties of Coconut Water

Coconut water is one of the most in-demand coconut by-products in the market. The taste is good and the benefits it gives the body are awesome.  But how healthy could coconut water really be? Can it cure diseases? Can coconut water be medicine? In recent times, there is still no grounded scientific evidence that coconut water could be a cure to an illness. However, it can do one thing that is better than curing — and that is to prevent diseases from happening.

Since it supports healthy digestion, coconut water can prevent lots of gastrointestinal ailments such as constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux and many more. On top of that, coconut water could also be a probiotic, making it a good option for taking care of the gut. Its main characteristic, which is to hydrate, could also prevent a lot of other complications that the body may experience. Good hydration always leads to healthier performance of bodily systems. Aside from helping the internal body functions, it also gives the skin desirable effects. Surely, coconut water  offers many benefits to the body from inside to outside. 


Coconut Water’s Suggested Consumption Per Day

Coconut water is a good companion for water to hydrate the body. Yet, some are mistakenly using it as a replacement instead of being just a mere addition. Health experts sternly warn that this should not be. The ideal serving for coconut water is 1 – 2 cups per day, and it could be consumed everyday if that amount is strictly followed. Coconut water has sugar and according to studies, it also contains 50 to 60 calories per 8 ounce serving. Say for example, in a cup of coconut water which is equal to 8 ounces, 50 calories are contained. Doubling a cup of coconut water makes 100 to 120 calories consumption per day and it justifies the suggested amount of consumption for most. But for people with medical conditions, it is still best to ask your doctor regarding coconut water consumption.

The Electrolyte Content of Coconut Water

Because of its electrolyte content, coconut water gained popularity in the market as a competitor for commercialized sports drinks. Electrolytes are electricity-conducting substances that are essential for many bodily functions. Their main role is to regulate the nerves and muscle functions throughout the body, keep hydration and regulate the  body’s pH levels. Common electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate and bicarbonate. For coconut water, it contains the five key electrolytes namely sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. A juice that is so nutritious like coconut water  is indeed a dew from the heavens or “noelani”  as the Hawaiians call it.